
Rate limiter resilience strategy


The rate limiter resilience strategy controls the number of operations that can pass through it. This strategy is a thin layer over the API provided by the System.Threading.RateLimiting package.

Further reading:


// Add rate limiter with default options.
// See https://github.com/App-vNext/Polly/blob/main/docs/strategies/rate-limiter.md#defaults for default values.
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
    .AddRateLimiter(new RateLimiterStrategyOptions());

// Create a rate limiter to allow a maximum of 100 concurrent executions and a queue of 50.
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
    .AddConcurrencyLimiter(100, 50);

// Create a rate limiter that allows 100 executions per minute.
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
    .AddRateLimiter(new SlidingWindowRateLimiter(new SlidingWindowRateLimiterOptions
        PermitLimit = 100,
        Window = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1)

Example execution:

var pipeline = new ResiliencePipelineBuilder().AddConcurrencyLimiter(100, 50).Build();

    // Execute an asynchronous text search operation.
    var result = await pipeline.ExecuteAsync(
        token => TextSearchAsync(query, token),
catch (RateLimiterRejectedException ex)
    // Handle RateLimiterRejectedException,
    // that can optionally contain information about when to retry.
    if (ex.RetryAfter is TimeSpan retryAfter)
        Console.WriteLine($"Retry After: {retryAfter}");


Property Default Value Description
RateLimiter null Generator that creates a RateLimitLease for executions.
DefaultRateLimiterOptions PermitLimit set to 1000 and QueueLimit set to 0. The options for the default concurrency limiter that will be used when RateLimiter is null.
OnRejected null Event that is raised when the execution is rejected by the rate limiter.

Disposal of rate limiters

The RateLimiter is a disposable resource. When you explicitly create a RateLimiter instance, it’s good practice to dispose of it once it’s no longer needed. This is usually not an issue when manually creating resilience pipelines using the ResiliencePipelineBuilder. However, when dynamic reloads are enabled, failing to dispose of discarded rate limiters can lead to excessive resource consumption. Fortunately, Polly provides a way to dispose of discarded rate limiters, as demonstrated in the example below:

    .AddResiliencePipeline("my-pipeline", (builder, context) =>
        var options = context.GetOptions<ConcurrencyLimiterOptions>("my-concurrency-options");

        // This call enables dynamic reloading of the pipeline
        // when the named ConcurrencyLimiterOptions change.

        var limiter = new ConcurrencyLimiter(options);


        // Dispose of the limiter when the pipeline is disposed.
        context.OnPipelineDisposed(() => limiter.Dispose());

The above example uses the AddResiliencePipeline(...) extension method to configure the pipeline. However, a similar approach can be taken when directly using the ResiliencePipelineRegistry<T>.

Partitioned rate limiter

For advanced use-cases, the partitioned rate limiter is also available. The following example illustrates how to retrieve a partition key from ResilienceContext using the GetPartitionKey method:

var partitionedLimiter = PartitionedRateLimiter.Create<ResilienceContext, string>(context =>
    // Extract the partition key.
    string partitionKey = GetPartitionKey(context);

    return RateLimitPartition.GetConcurrencyLimiter(
        key => new ConcurrencyLimiterOptions
            PermitLimit = 100

new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
    .AddRateLimiter(new RateLimiterStrategyOptions
        // Provide a custom rate limiter delegate.
        RateLimiter = args =>
            return partitionedLimiter.AcquireAsync(args.Context, 1, args.Context.CancellationToken);