
Circuit breaker resilience strategy


[!NOTE] Version 8 documentation for this strategy has not yet been migrated. For more information on circuit breaker concepts and behavior, refer to the older documentation.

[!NOTE] Be aware that the Circuit Breaker strategy rethrows all exceptions, including those that are handled. A Circuit Breaker’s role is to monitor faults and break the circuit when a certain threshold is reached; it does not manage retries. Combine the Circuit Breaker with a Retry strategy if needed.


// Add circuit breaker with default options.
// See https://github.com/App-vNext/Polly/blob/main/docs/strategies/circuit-breaker.md#defaults for default values.
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder().AddCircuitBreaker(new CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions());

// Add circuit breaker with customized options:
// The circuit will break if more than 50% of actions result in handled exceptions,
// within any 10-second sampling duration, and at least 8 actions are processed.
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder().AddCircuitBreaker(new CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions
    FailureRatio = 0.5,
    SamplingDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10),
    MinimumThroughput = 8,
    BreakDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
    ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder().Handle<SomeExceptionType>()

// Handle specific failed results for HttpResponseMessage:
new ResiliencePipelineBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>()
    .AddCircuitBreaker(new CircuitBreakerStrategyOptions<HttpResponseMessage>
        ShouldHandle = new PredicateBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>()
            .HandleResult(response => response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)

// Monitor the circuit state, useful for health reporting:
var stateProvider = new CircuitBreakerStateProvider();

new ResiliencePipelineBuilder<HttpResponseMessage>()
    .AddCircuitBreaker(new() { StateProvider = stateProvider })

CircuitState.Closed - Normal operation; actions are executed.
CircuitState.Open - Circuit is open; actions are blocked.
CircuitState.HalfOpen - Recovery state after break duration expires; actions are permitted.
CircuitState.Isolated - Circuit is manually held open; actions are blocked.

// Manually control the Circuit Breaker state:
var manualControl = new CircuitBreakerManualControl();

new ResiliencePipelineBuilder()
    .AddCircuitBreaker(new() { ManualControl = manualControl })

// Manually isolate a circuit, e.g., to isolate a downstream service.
await manualControl.IsolateAsync();

// Manually close the circuit to allow actions to be executed again.
await manualControl.CloseAsync();


Property Default Value Description
ShouldHandle Predicate that handles all exceptions except OperationCanceledException. Specifies which results and exceptions are managed by the circuit breaker strategy.
FailureRatio 0.1 The ratio of failures to successes that will cause the circuit to break/open.
MinimumThroughput 100 The minimum number of actions that must occur in the circuit within a specific time slice.
SamplingDuration 30 seconds The time period over which failure ratios are calculated.
BreakDuration 5 seconds The time period for which the circuit will remain broken/open before attempting to reset.
OnClosed null Event triggered when the circuit transitions to the Closed state.
OnOpened null Event triggered when the circuit transitions to the Opened state.
OnHalfOpened null Event triggered when the circuit transitions to the HalfOpened state.
ManualControl null Allows for manual control to isolate or close the circuit.
StateProvider null Enables the retrieval of the current state of the circuit.
